Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Clean in Limerick, PA with 4 Tips

Oral care is one of the most important, yet easily forgotten pieces of caring for your dog. There have been studies that show that 80% of dogs have periodontal disease by age three. Age three! That means that out of the almost 90 million dogs in the United States, 72 million have some form of periodontal disease. If this tells us anything, it’s that we need to start taking care of our dog’s teeth in Limerick, PA.

Dog Teeth Cleaning in Limerick, PA

Why Dog Teeth Cleaning is Important

Ok but if 80% of dogs have periodontal disease, can it be that bad? There are many levels of periodontal disease. However, when it gets severe, it can lead to heart, kidney, or liver disease which are all serious. Periodontal disease is caused by plaque and tartar building up on the teeth and gums. As the bacteria spreads, it will cause decay in the teeth and gums. As the decay gets worse, it can lead to tooth loss and diseases. If the oral issues get so bad that they do lead to kidney, heart, or liver disease, it could be fatal for your pup.

How to Help Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Clean in Limerick, PA

Now that we’ve established how bad periodontal and oral disease can be, let’s talk about how to fix it. Below are tips to help keep your dog’s teeth clean:

1. Visit Your Vet

If you’ve never brushed your dog’s teeth and he’s 3 or older, you should take him in to the vet and have his teeth checked by a professional in Limerick, PA. Your vet may advise that the best place to start is with a deep cleaning by them. During a deep cleaning, your dog will be put under anesthesia and his teeth will be cleaned just like when we humans go to the dentist. At that time, they can also pull any rotten teeth that they might find.

2. Gather the Tools

If you’re getting a new puppy or your vet has checked your dog’s teeth and says they aren’t bad, then you just need to start a brushing routine. You’ll need to get dog specific toothpaste. They have some tasty flavors for you and your pup to choose from like peanut butter and chicken flavor. You will also need something to brush those little teeth with. You can either use a dog toothbrush or a soft bristled kid’s toothbrush. If your dog doesn’t like the sensation of a brush in his mouth, you could get one of the little rubber ones that has bristles and slides over your finger.

3. Get Into a Routine

Once you have all the tools, it’s time to start regularly brushing. So how often should you really be brushing your pup’s teeth? Some vets recommend brushing every day. This is even more true for small breed dogs like Yorkies or for dogs that eat a wet food only diet. These are additional risk factors for periodontal disease. Other vets recommend that three times a week is enough for dog teeth cleaning.

Try starting with a few times a week and talk to your vet about how your dog’s oral health is looking. If they think your dog needs more, then you can increase the number of days. It might also be beneficial for you to schedule a professional dog teeth cleaning every 2 to 4 years with your vet in Limerick, PA to make sure that your dog’s teeth can get back to zero.

4. Let Them Chew Toys!

There are a few things you can do additional to brushing that will help with oral care in Limerick, PA. Toys like a Kong are good to hide toothpaste or special tooth-cleaning treats in. Treats like Greenies Canine Dental Chews are great for maintaining your dog’s oral health.

There are other chew toys with ridges or bristles that remove plaque and tartar as your dog chews. This is a win for oral care and keeping your dog occupied and out of trouble.

Talk to Your Vet About Dog Teeth Cleaning in Limerick, PA

Oral health is so important for your dog in Limerick, PA. Make sure to brush a few times a week to keep the chances of periodontal disease down. Call (610) 489-2848 and talk to your vet at Limerick Veterinary Hospital about your dog’s teeth cleaning today!

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