Puppy and Dog Neuter or Spay in Limerick, PA: Questions and Answers

When you bring home a new dog in Limerick, PA there are so many things to decide. What are you going to name him? What kind of food should you buy? What leash is best? And on and on. One of the most important decisions you will make is whether to spay or neuter your new friend.

Dog Neuter in Limerick, PA

What is Spaying and Neutering?

Spaying is a procedure that females undergo to remove the ovaries and uterus. Neutering is a procedure that males undergo to remove the testicles. The goal of both procedures is to stop reproduction. They are both routine and your pet will be in and out the same day. The typical recovery time is a few hours for the anesthesia to wear off and then 14 days for the stitches to heal.

Why Should I Spay or Neuter My Dog?

Dog neutering and spaying in Limerick, PA are a hot topic of conversation. If you ever watched The Price is Right, you probably heard Bob Barker say, “And as always, make sure to spay and neuter your pets.” before signing off. Organizations like the ASPCA are very pro-spay and neuter to help reduce the number of animals that end up in shelters, but there are many benefits to having your pet spayed or neutered.

Are There Health Benefits to Spaying or Neutering My Dog in Limerick, PA?

There have been multiple studies in recent years about the correlation between spaying and neutering your dog, and longevity. Males and females showed an increase in life expectancy when they had been spayed or neutered compared to their counterparts that had not. One such study concluded that neutered dogs lived 18% longer and spayed females lived 23% longer. Why is this? What about removing the reproductive organs allows your pets to live longer? One of the reasons spayed pets live a longer life is because it reduces uterine infections like pyometra and breast type cancers. These diseases are fatal in 50% of dogs. Neutering males lowers the risk of prostate and testicular cancer, which can also be fatal.

What are the Positives of Dog Spaying?

A positive of spaying your pet is that she won’t go into heat. This includes obnoxious howling and screaming along with frequent urination that can turn into spraying. Without going into heat, your female pet also won’t have a litter. There are people who believe that getting a female pet and allowing her to become pregnant will teach their own children about birth. While it is beautiful and so much fun to raise little puppies, you shouldn’t do that and risk one or more of the little ones having to go to the shelter. There are plenty of other ways to teach your children about birth that work just as well.

What are the Positives of Dog Neutering?

There are also positives on the male side. Neutering your male pet drastically improves his behavior. Many unneutered males are aggressive toward other animals and even humans due to their territorial nature. They are also known to spray strong-smelling urine all over the house to mark their territory. No one wants to clean up urine every day. Another positive for males is that when they are neutered, they’re less likely to roam away from home. A male pet will do almost anything to find a mate, including traveling as far as they need to. They’ll dig under fences and basically do whatever it takes to escape. Not only will your dog be lost, but he could be hit by a vehicle or attacked by another animal. Intact males stay loyal to their home and won’t wander off in Limerick, PA. Overall, neutering your male pet will help him be better behaved in the long run. It’s also important to note that the longer you wait to neuter, the more likely he’ll develop a bad habit and those can be difficult to break even after his testicles are removed.

What are Some Common Myths of Spaying and Neutering?

There’s a misconception out there that spaying or neutering will make your pet gain weight. This is not true. Gaining weight is due to overfeeding and lack of exercise, not either of these procedures. Spaying and neutering your dog also help fights overpopulation in shelters and on the streets. It’s estimated that 6.5 million animals enter shelters every single year. This can be slowed down by taking the time to spay or neuter your new pet. While there is a cost associated with the surgery, it is cheaper than having to feed and vaccinate all of the puppies in a new litter.

Can You Spay or Neuter Your Dog Once They’re an Adult?

The answer is, absolutely! If you adopt an older dog that hasn’t been spayed or neutered, it’s probably in your best interest to go ahead and get them fixed. It can help prevent additional disease or any complications from pregnancy.

Talk with Your Vet About Dog Neutering and Spaying in Limerick, PA

As always, it’s important to discuss your dog’s neutering and spaying options with your veterinarian at Limerick Veterinary Hospital by calling (610) 489-2848 to make sure you’re choosing the right option for you and your pet.

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