My Dog’s Gums are Pale in Limerick, PA: What Does this Mean?

Have you noticed that your dog’s gums look a little pale? Is this concerning you? Pale gums are not a normal sign in dogs, and they can sometimes signify a very serious problem that needs to be addressed right away.

Reasons for a Dog’s Pale Gums

In the article below, you’ll find more information about what pale gums mean in dogs. As with any health problems with your pet, make sure to go to the veterinarian right away if you are at all worried or unsure what to do to help.

Internal Bleeding

If your dog has recently been in an accident or has been in a fight with another animal, there is a chance he could have internal bleeding. This is also true if there’s any chance your dog has ingested a foreign object that could have cut his digestive system and cause bleeding in this way.

Dogs with internal bleeding may develop pale gums as there is not enough blood circulating through their bodies. If you suspect this may be going on with your dog, take him to the emergency vet to determine the cause. Your pet may need surgery to correct the issue.

Diabetes and Kidney Disease

Pale gums can sometimes be a sign of either diabetes or kidney disease in dogs. If your dog has pale gums along with excessive thirst and urination or if your dog is losing weight rapidly with no other explanation, these can all be signs that something is wrong with your dog’s kidneys or that he has diabetes.

Only a vet can diagnose these conditions for certain. Take your dog to your regular vet if possible, but don’t neglect the emergency vet if you think your dog’s condition is worsening too quickly for a regular vet visit.

pale gums in dogs in Limerick, PA
Heart Disease

Dogs may suffer from heart disease just like humans, especially during their advanced years. If your dog has heart disease, you may notice that his gums have become pale. This can be a sign that the heart disease is advancing.

Whether this is a known problem for your pet or not, you should still take him to the veterinarian if you notice pale gums. The vet will examine your dog and let you know what your options are for his health moving forward.


Pale gums mean the body is not getting enough oxygen or blood circulated throughout its many systems. With heatstroke, your dog may not have enough oxygen, especially in moderate to advanced heatstroke situations.

If your dog has pale gums as well as excessive drooling or if your dog is very lethargic or unconscious, these can all be signs of heatstroke. Get your dog to a cool location right away and contact your emergency vet. As soon as possible, take your dog the vet, as he will need IV fluids and other medical care to get back to normal again.


If your dog eats something he shouldn’t, it could be a toxic substance that may lead the buildup of toxicity in his body. For example, if he eats items that contain heavy metals, he may develop heavy metal poisoning. He could also develop an obstruction in his digestive system, which could lead to the pale gums too.

This is a life-threatening situation that will require emergency vet care. Don’t wait to see your regular vet if your dog eats something toxic after-hours. Go to the emergency vet instead.

Pale Gums in Dogs Could be a Sign of Something Serious

As you can see, most of the causes of pale gums in dogs are serious ones. If you notice that your dog’s gums have turned pale, you should call your Limerick Veterinary Hospital veterinarian at (610) 489-2848. Keep in mind, too, that many of these causes may require a trip to the emergency vet and can be life-threatening.

When you respond appropriately to your dog’s pale gums, you will be doing your pet a favor. Help your furry friend get back to his usual, healthy self soon when you take time to check his gums periodically.

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